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Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions about selling your business, Una Brands, or general queries regarding acquisition offers, the FAQ is available. If there are any questions that the FAQ cannot answer, please contact Una Brands via our email.

What is the criteria to sell my company?Clean book-keeping with all existing financial statements TTM revenue or previous FY revenue of US$1mm to US$20mm More than 15% net profit margin At least 70% of sales from online channels
Why should I sell now?When you sell your business to Una Brands, you have two choices (a) transition the business entirely to us, or (b) stay in the driver’s seat to run the business with us and profit from the upside as we provide you significant capital and resources to supercharge your brand more than you can do by yourself. Schedule a free consultation to find out more!
What are the factors for the company valuation?We look at which category your brand falls under, how high the turnover per individual product is, your seller and product reviews, as well as your online presence. We also put heavy weightage on the blood, sweat, and tears the brand owner has put in to build the brand equity, as well as the growth potential of your brand.
How long is the transition phase?That depends entirely on the complexity of the company and the daily work processes. We typically would request between 3 to 12 months, but this will be agreed on with the brand owner(s).
Do you invest in brands rather than acquire?Our focus currently is on acquiring high-potential, category-winning brands. However, we may consider strategic or growth investments at a later stage.
How do I ensure privacy?Confidentiality and trust are key to our ethos. Hence, before we proceed to detailed due diligence, we will sign an NDA with you to provide you the peace of mind and assurance that your business information are secure.
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